Elderberry (Sambucus nigra)
Elderberries pack a PUNCH!
The berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They could help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart, too. Some experts recommend elderberry to help prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms.
Across Europe + North America, Elderberries (Sambucus Nigra) are abundant! Growing in a variety of conditions such as both wet+dry fertile soils & primarily in sunny conditions.✨This plant has been around for ages. Hippocrates referred it to as the “Medicine chest of the common people.”🍇While travelling to Portugal last summer, specifically my home region the Island of Sao Miguel, I spoke to many local winemakers & an elder; Antonio, told me a story about the 1700s Portuguese winemakers who added elderberry wine to their more expensive varieties to extend the shelf life. The Portuguese government stepped in & allegedly outlawed the planting of elderberries to avoid the diluted wines. But what was discovered by the wine drinkers was the “impure-elder wine” helped with arthritic/rheumatic pains. When the elderberry was no longer added to the wine (& it became “pure”), the various pains seemed to return to the wine drinkers. It’s clear my ancestors have used it for centuries, so I intend to continue the cycle here at The Holistica Shop!🍇🌿🙏🏽
This herb has been used as an immune supportive & supports the body’s natural defence. Many studies show it to have immune modulating & antioxidant properties. Because Elderberry is high in flavonoid rich compounds, it exerts antioxidant protection on cells. By providing antioxidant protection, Elderberry aids in protecting cellular health from free radical damage & airborne elements. It’s most often taken to relieve symptoms of the flu & common cold.
Have you tried our DOUBLE EXTRACTED Elderberry Tinctures? We offer an Alcohol Free Version as well!
& If you like combination herbal tinctures, check out our “Respiratory Relief” Herbal Tincture, Elderberry is the star ingredient!🍇
Those with autoimmune disorders need to consult a physician before taking elderberry because it will stimulate their immune system. Elderberry interferes with medications that suppress the immune system & medications used to manage autoimmune disorders.✔️